ZELUP® Blaster

Ecofriendly, 3 in 1 high-speed cleaner.

Based on hydro-pneumatic fragmentation, a new cleaning technology has been patented by Zelup®. It uses only 15 – 40 liters/h and therefore 15 times less water than a high-pressure cleaner. This very low water consumption allows not only substantial saving, but also indoor cleaning.

The Zelup® Blaster does not produce any splashes or puddles and no water reaches the already cleaned surface. Equipped with an ingenious double trigger, it instantly switches between the cleaning and the drying mode. Its accessory brushes allow a deep washing.


It washes, brushes and dries!

(1) Wash: Trigger pulled to the maximum = Water and air
(2) Brush: Usable all the time
(3) Dry: Trigger in intermediate position

  • Ecofriendly cleaning system for indoor use
  • By using a wall mounted connection box, the ZELUP® BLASTER is continuously ready to use
  • 3 functions with 1 tool: washing, brushing and drying
  • The mobile cleaning station enables the universal use in your sport or rental shop
  • Wall mounted connection box for operational readiness at one location

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