
Simple and quick integration of trial data with the Easy Breed software.

Save time, avoid errors.


The entire cultivation cycle is a data-controlled decision-making process. Thousands of varieties are observed over the years and across the locations. During this process, metadata on the site and trial design are supplemented with manually collected appraisals, laboratory data, harvest data and increasingly also with automatically recorded data using drone and robot technology.


Using standardized interfaces, Easy Breed supports error-free and simple integration of data from different sources. This means that your data becomes a valuable resource, which can be transferred into decisions via downstream analyses.


Among other things, our Easy Breed release from April 2022 includes a seamless interface (DCI) to the voice-operated appraisal software smatrix. The appraisal data is therefore integrated into Easy Breed quickly and easily.


Once again, you can check out our new release free for 30 days and get to know the basic functions of the software in two free training units. 

We look forward to hearing from you! Tel. +49 174 1860942



And by the way: The DCI interface for the standardized exchange of plot-based data is available free. Under the motto, “combining good standards, providing efficiency and transparency in systems and making them sustainable” we would be happy to discuss your interface requirements.