
Jupiter – the new king of the ski service universe

Jupiter Skiserviceautomat

With the Jupiter, a new fully automated servicing system for skis and snowboards, WINTERSTEIGER has taken a major step forwards in terms of development. The Jupiter's world debut was transmitted via livestream. WINTERSTEIGER is offering an opportunity to get to know the machine on several regional roadshow dates in the Alpine region.


With the Jupiter, WINTERSTEIGER – known for tailor-made automated ski service machines – offers the perfect customized solution for every shop and for every demand to fully cover all requirements. From small, entry-level service systems to maximum capacities with a throughput of over 70 pairs of skis per hour there is a Jupiter configuration to maximize efficiency and revenue. Five different processing modules, three feeding variants, and three application levels are available for different service requirements.


When asked about the Jupiter's highlights, Daniel Steininger, Head of the Sports business field, lists three completely new machine features first. The absolute highlight is the variable edge grinding with "V-Edge technology", as well as the "Trim Cut" side wall processing unit and digital ski recognition. “Our engineering department has done an outstanding job and satisfied many customer wishes,” he added. 


Discover now: wintersteiger.com/jupiter


V-Edge for variable edge angles.


The innovative V-Edge technology grinds side and base edges along the ski length in the front and rear areas with variable angles.Product Manager Hans Aigner explains: “When developing the V-Edge, we wanted to combine two elements: optimum edge grip and easy control of the ski. We have succeeded in this. This increases the skier's fun and enhances their safety, meaning perfection for everyone, from leisure skiers to racers.” Daniel Steininger confirms: “Jupiter-ground skis deliver an entirely new skiing experience. The innovative edge technology is unique. You really should experience this revolutionary technology to truly understand how great it is.”

Trim Cut for side wall removal.

The new Trim Cut processing unit for dressing the side walls is integrated in the first stone module and is automatically activated during the process. This optimally prepares the ski for subsequent edge grinding. Manual cutting or removal of the side wall is no longer necessary.

Digitization for automatic ski recognition.

Thanks to its modern technology, the Jupiter is able to automatically recognize skis and compare them with the data stored in the Easyrent rental software. The Jupiter then automatically activates the appropriate or saved edge grinding parameters. Alternatively, a QR code applied to the ski is scanned. The advantage of automatic ski recognition is personalized edge grinding without slow, manual attention required.

Smart and connected.

Also new is the Tune Pilot for perfect structure and edge preparation. Predefined parameters regarding snow conditions and skiing ability are available at the push of a button. The appropriate selections are made and the machine produces optimum results drawing on years of proven, historical data.


A clearly arranged "dashboard" or evaluation menu is used to monitor the machine, usage, and consumption parameters. All data are stored on the cloud and are available on a smartphone, tablet, or PC.

Maximum flexibility.

In order to satisfy all customer requirements, the Jupiter is available with three different feeding variants. With the Jupiter X, loading and unloading the skis takes place with the proven "Paternoster" ski magazine. This saves a great deal of time, makes the workshop processes more efficient, and enables quality control at a glance – the gliding surface of the ski faces upwards in the unloading magazine after the service. The other feeding options are the automatic loading station and manual loading. All variants can also be supplied in an extended version for racing skis.

Tried and tested: better and more efficient.

Daniel Steininger also refers to the proven features: “WINTERSTEIGER introduced the automatic feeding system, the "Paternoster", to the market back in 2005. It remains the most efficient system on the market and has been perfected by us over the years.” Or the suction-less feeding system which is independent of the ski surface, as well as the most precise edge grinding available. “At 67 dB(A), the Jupiter is extremely quiet. We have invested heavily in stability and reliability – the Jupiter is the best product on the market!” adds Product Manager Hans Aigner.


Recording of the livestream: World premiere Jupiter from 12.01.2021

Here you can find the recordings of the livestream from 12.01.2021 in the respective languages: