Product inquiry

1. We produce the following product/s
2. The product quantity is
m³ lamellas per day
It is with shift operation
One shift = hrs.
3. We cut the following types of wood
4. Wood's moisture content %
5. Block dimensions in mm
6. Required accuracy of the lamellas +/- mm
7. Planned date of investment


* Mandatory fields /
1. We produce the following product/s
2. Presently, m² are being repaired per day
It is with shift operation
One shift = hrs.
3. The material to be repaired has the following dimensions in mm
4. Gluing is also done after the repair
If yes, which pressing-system is used?
5. Is the repaired material subsequently given a coating?
If yes, which pressing-system is used?
6. Planned date of investment


* Mandatory fields /