
New WINTERSTEIGER building for seed breeding

Seedmech HalleNew Seedmech building with training workshop in the foreground

Machine servicing, test center, and showroom all under one roof


WINTERSTEIGER AG is growing – and so is its premises. A nine-month construction period and an investment of 2.5 million euros went into creating the newest company building for its oldest division, SEEDMECH. It is packed with equipment for seed breeding and field trial technology such as combines, seeders, laboratory equipment, and much more.


The new building is home to customer service, application engineering, and prototype construction. Two test centers and a state-of-the-art showroom for customer visits have also been established. “We can set up multiple combines at the same time in our new hall,” says Head of Division Christopher Schiehauer. Not only is repair and maintenance work carried out on the machines, but customers' used machines are also taken back, refurbished, and reintroduced to the market.


In addition to machine servicing, special machines will also be assembled in the new hall. “We’re meeting the expectations of our customers and offering them their own unique machines. For instance, we can mount a fertilizer spreader on the seeder or fit alternative openers. These special structures disrupt the workflow in series production so they’re being moved to the new hall,” explains Schiehauer. Another advantage is that apprentices are getting involved in special machine construction as budding service engineers. They can support production and also get to know the machines better, helped by the fact that the new training workshop is also located in the same building.


Expansion of photovoltaics.

Like all new buildings, the SEEDMECH hall is equipped with photovoltaic modules. This allows WINTERSTEIGER to achieve an output of 500 kWp and cover the entire base load with green electricity. With a total area of 2830 m² spread across 9 company roofs, the photovoltaic system could supply approx. 100 households with electricity.


New "Technology & Service SEEDMECH" hall

Sufficient space for machine servicing and assembling special structures

Two test centers: the machines are put through their paces prior to delivery.